If you're going to New York...

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — A travel guide's list of the best places in the world to be entombed includes a cemetery for animals in a New York City suburb. Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2009 includes the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery with the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids among the 10 “best places of rest.” A spokesman for Hartsdale says it's “delighted to be in such esteemed company.” The guide says the headstones at the pet cemetery are fascinating to read. One says, “Sport: Born a dog, died a gentleman.” There are 70,000 creatures and several bereaved humans in the 112-year-old pet cemetery, which is 20 miles north of New York City. A spokeswoman for the publisher says the book tries to include “a variety of travel experiences.”


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