Creatures of habit
Humans are creatures of habit. In the big scheme of things, we are much like the dogs and cats we love and should our schedule be interrupted, our day seems out of sync. Some of us are worse than others and I probably fit in the first category.
I plan everything. When my day gets off kilter, say, I oversleep and get a 15 minute late start, it seems I never catch up on that day.
One habit I began last years, and I do it every single morning, is my daily click to feed the animals. Right now The Animal Rescue site is also sponsoring the $100,000 Shelter Makeover Challenge with Petfinder. Every morning I get a reminder email to click for a bowl of food and then I click to vote for the shelter of my choice.
You can sign up to receive this email at or simply scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the banner ad for the site.
You will be providing food to shelters and also giving your shelter a chance to win a $20,000 grand prize shelter makeover.
I plan everything. When my day gets off kilter, say, I oversleep and get a 15 minute late start, it seems I never catch up on that day.
One habit I began last years, and I do it every single morning, is my daily click to feed the animals. Right now The Animal Rescue site is also sponsoring the $100,000 Shelter Makeover Challenge with Petfinder. Every morning I get a reminder email to click for a bowl of food and then I click to vote for the shelter of my choice.
You can sign up to receive this email at or simply scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the banner ad for the site.
You will be providing food to shelters and also giving your shelter a chance to win a $20,000 grand prize shelter makeover.