Update on Winter

When baby steps are necessary to begin to see the real dog you are dealing with emerge, it is sometimes excruciately difficult to see improvement when you are around the dog alot. I got to spend extra time this weekend with one of my project dogs and he is beginning to show signs of comfort with me. He is still shy, no doubt, but he walked with me two days in a row with his head up and his tail wagging. I have not seen that behavior before in any time span but moments.Today he actually walked with another volunteer who has also taken up his cause and although he was quite nervous with her and kept looking back at me for reasurrance, he did great. He is no longer balking at the front gate. It does not hold a threat for him any longer.
Another volunteer is working on him with his crate hiding. He seems to be terrified of men in general but his fear is lessening as the days go by.
I don't want you to think we are all work with him and no play either. He got lots of romp time and even rolled on his back like a normal dog and played a short (very short) game of chase with me.
He loves to have his back scratched and to be brushed and I, of course, must throw in some hugs and kisses because that is what I do. I still can't get him in a car. I tried last weekend to work on that with real chicken but the activity level was high and he was on edge. He did like the chicken, just not the cars.
I don't know how long it will take to find him a home. I do know he is much happier with being stimulated and working with different people. It may still take us several months before his comfort level increases to the point of actually liking to be around new stimulus.
Now, about those cars.


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