Letter from Dixie

Hi folks, back again. I bet you thought I would have found the perfect home by now, huh? Yeah, well lady luck doesn't seem to be on my side this week. I am still hoping, but for right now I am just going to be contented that I do have a place to stay, nice humans and plenty of food.
The goings on at Satchel's this week have been pretty interesting to watch. They moved another kennel. I know that doesn't mean much to you, but to us it is a major big deal. We have had people coming and going, going and coming. Some of the dogs here keep barking, but I simply lay in my kennel like a lady with my legs crossed, and watch the excitement.
We had a guest this week who belongs to someone who works here and man was she noisy. She had Missy so upset, she had to go to the doctor. Of course, Missy was found almost dead from heartworms, so she is very fragile and doesn't really like anyone who lives here but the humans. She is now in the air-conditioned suite with Drummer. Drummer is 16 so he gets the air-condition, too! Now my next door neighbor is Pepper. She is a dalmation mix who is deaf. She gets to live here the rest of her life. She hasn't had an easy one since she can't hear but she seems happy most of the time.
Oh yeah, and this new handsome dude moved in. His name is Brody and he is a black lab mix. Young and handsome let me tell you. (He isn't perfect like I am, but he sure is cute.) I bet he won't stay here very long.
When I went on my walk today I learned how to sneak a treat off the feeding table. My friend caught me and she wasn't very happy with me. She says I need to get my girlish figure back, so to prove a point to her, I did the same thing coming back from my walk. I can be a sneaky one when I want a treat. How I would love a home where all the treats would be mine.
New humans, oh my gosh, we have new humans coming in. How exciting for us. They all want us to do the same thing: sit, stay, down, you know the drill. The amazing thing about that is we really enjoy doing that. Now we get to hunt for our treats in the kennel because they hide them to make us use our noses. It is funny to watch. We have been pretty spoiled and have always known the treats would be waiting on us when we came back from play time. Not any more. Now we have to hunt them down. It is really quite fun, just don't tell the humans or they will think we are having too good a time. Sherman, who is a sanctuary dog is the funny man. He wants everyone to think he can't find the treats and gives a really sad look. The humans don't fall for it and he has to hunt like everyone else. Well, most of the humans don't fall for it but there are a couple who are iffy.
I am going to sign off for now to take my siesta. We get one everyone afternoon because of this heat. Most of us just don't have the energy to play with this temps in the 90's. But remember, I am still here waiting on you. You can take my test any time. Just ask. Dixie is the name. You wouldn't ever regret it.

Licks and paws,


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