URGENT Orlando "CHIP" Collie Smooth-Jack Russ Terrier
Hi, the Shelter named me Chip. I am an approximately 1 year 6 month old white and brown neutered male Collie Smooth-Jack Russ Terr. I am friendly and I have not been tested for heartworms. I have been at Orange County Animal Services since Tuesday, September 13, 2011.
This dog is on his countdown to Heaven. He needs a rescue hold by tomorrow!
Chip is located at Orange County Animal Service Orlando, Florida. If you are a rescue partner at OCAS, e-mail debra.villella@ocfl.net. If you need assistance with the paperwork, or if you are not a rescue partner, please contact veronica@fldoglover.com or lmasters@cfl.rr.com or mmj6472@aol.com. Please post and cross post.