Doing what's 'right' for pets

Each time there is a seizure from a backyard breeder and neglect or mistreatment is obvious, most residents of the area assume the person is punished and that will be the end of the story. Too often the person agrees to relinquish the animals to the local animal control and no charges are brought, even when this occurs again and again.
This was the case of a breeder in Collier County. The difference was the animal lovers in the area who took note of how often this particular person had been in county violation. When no charges were brought they wanted to know why.
I read the editoral in one of their local papers and I believe the County Commissioners may now be listening. You can check it out here and continue to be vigilant in your area. When something is not being done the way you feel it should, stand up and speak out. Nothing is ever changed by keeping your mouth shut.


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