You can lead a horse to water.....

Whenever a new idea pops out, people tend to jump on the bandwagon to promote it. This is true regardless of what industry you are in. Soemtimes these new ideas work and sometimes they don't. When you begin any new venture and you bring new ideas or thoughts to a process, you can expect some balking. People, in general, resist change. There is nowhere I have been where this is more true than animal welfare.
Ideas, even ones which have been tried and true in other places, sometimes get pushed to the back because people don't believe they will work. So you begin the slow process of showing by example. Most people, once they see a system work, begin to believe it will work. They have to see it, to believe it.
Other times it is not that simple. It is best when you have helped in every way you can, to walk away and let them continue on their way doing it the way they want. The old saying is true, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink."


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