When the truth comes out

I have been speaking about no-kill shelter advertising for over a year. The SPCA of Tampa Bay finally had a reporter take the story seriously. Lots of disinformation being spread and lots of folks saying things. I have said since the beginning to ask the shelters to show their numbers. If they have nothing to hide, they won't be embarrassed. Then all you have to worry about is if they are being truthful. Good story by the St. Pete Times, check it out.
Then today, this story ran about a meeting tonight to try and smooth some ruffled feathers. http://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninterest/article1028254.ece
Hmmm....are all the shelters checking their information to make sure they aren't lying? It kinda makes you wonder. I bet we will be hearing more on this issue and by more shelters.


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