Happy Father's Day

To all the readers of the blog, please appreciate your Dad today. It is his special day and unfortunately, they are not around sometimes as long as we would like them to be. My father instilled many things in me but the one thing he probably never realized he did, was give me a love for animals that never wavered. It was always obvious my mother had been raised around critters and they were always a part of the family, but Daddy wasn't raised that way.
He never had a puppy in the house, yet was exposed to many hunting dogs, feral cats, cows and all the other critters associated with growing up in a rural area. My grandfather got his hunting dogs from the pound. My Dad believed mutts were the best but longed for a German Shepherd because he thought they were beautiful animals.
He had one when I was a baby, and the dog was struck by lightning in a cow pasture across from my grandparents' house in Bartow. He never got another one but simply stuck to mutts.
He has been gone almost 20 years. He died way too young from his exposure to Agent Orange during Vietnam and I miss him.
So go hug your dad if you can, call him if he is too far away and tell him how much you love him. Death is very final. You can't bring them back once they are gone.


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