We keep pushing forward, but the truth just isn't sinking in
In the last several years, information about the pit bull breed, or any bully breed for that matter, has been the main topic of conversation among many animal welfare people. The reason for this is the mass amount of disinformation which is passed back and forth, through the internet and other venues on a daily basis.
The number of people who own and love bully breeds is vast and growing. On the other hand, the number of people who disparage the breeds are not educated and believe everything they read online.
Two situations which happened in the past several weeks come to mind along with two, very special dogs who are looking for homes.
The first involved a snappy, small papillon who had to be removed from a car wrapped in towel to avoid hurting the dog or a person. The owner said the dog was biting and simply vicious. About the same time, a man was bringing in a dog he could not longer care for. the dog was happy and wagging his tail. When the woman ask the gentleman what kind of dog he was, the gentleman replied, "A pitbull." The woman then wrinkled her nose, sniffed and said, "How on earth could you own a dog like that?"
My question would have been to her: "A dog like what?" A happy, tail-wagging dog who has been well cared for, loves people, is not scared of his own shadow and loves belly rubs, or a dog who has never been socialized, is scared of humans and snaps at everything? You tell me, what would your choice be?
Leroy, pictured here, is the dog who is looking for a home. He is 4.5 years old, loves, loves, loves people and is missing his family right now. He has a scar on his back from a poisonous spider bite when he was a puppy. He is very housebroken, a tad chubby, and would love to be your new best friend. He would love to ride shotgun in your car, go hiking in the woods, or simply lay by your side while you watched television.
All these dogs need homes. If we, as the American public, do not educate ourselves on dogs and continue to allow the prejudice against any breed to perpetuate, we are just as guilty as those who disparage the breed. The education is out there. It is up to us to keep it moving forward.