Entering the 21st Century

Wow, it finally happened. Sarasota County finally put the antiquated feral cat law to bed this week and gave the rescuers something to cheer about.
While I was still at the paper, I did an article on feral cats. Until then, I did not know much about them or the programs in place to deal with them. I had no idea how opposed some are to maintaining colonies or even how many people work in the area to provide for these most neglected of the animal kingdom.
When I found it was against the law to care for a feral colony in Sarasota County, I was appalled such an educated population who helped govern such an animal-loving community, could be so backward in their thinking, even though research and science had proven killing feral cats did not make the problem go away.
There was a collective cheer in Sarasota County this week when the county commissioners finally woke up. Kudos to the Animal Rescue Coalition, Dr. Laurie Walmsley and all the rescuers who I don't know, for fighting the good fight until the law was changed.


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