Watch this PSA

When I noticed the program "Bones" was a new episode tonight, I quickly put my television to the local Fox station.

Within 15 minutes I knew the story was going to be on dogfighting and worried that I would have to switch it off and write a scathing blog item about irresponsible television programming. Programming which would either glorify the so-called sport or show all the dogs who were supposed to be vicious killers.

I was pleasantly surprised this show did none of that. It was a story but represented the horrors of dog fighting on top of who dog fighters sometimes turn out to be. In this case, a medical student who needed money not the drug dealer who you suspect.

Anyway, if you didn't catch the show, you will cry at the end and you can watch it here: on top of seeing an interview with Cesar Milan, who was a special guest.

Most impressive of all was a Public Service Announcment which made me want to broadcast it everywhere. The dogs are doing the talking and it is fabulous. You can watch that here: . Enjoy and let me know what you think of the PSA


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