A plea to adults

The longer I work with dogs or actually, work with dogs and humans, the more frustrated I become. The reason for my frustration is the apparent lack of education by adults, but more so by parents, when dealing with a dog and a dog's behavior.
Dogs, as we should all know, cannot talk. They can snarl, they can bark, they can growl, they can snap and they can bite, but they cannot talk.
Every time a dog does one of the aforementioned things, it means something. It is their only method of communicating. When they are dealing with another dog there is not a problem. The problems arise when they are dealing with humans.
My plea to all the readers of this blog is to educate yourself. Educate yourself before you own a dog or allow your children to bring home a dog. Or any other pet for that matter. Owning a pet should be a happy event. Children can learn to be responsible when dealing with a pet, but they should also be taught how to be safe around a pet. Don't assume they know. How could they if you have not taught them?
Every day I thank my parents for being responsible and teaching me about animals. If adults and parents alike would educate themselves and their children, there would be less homeless animals in this country, and fewer bites.


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