Support Lake County, FL Anti-Teth​er Ordinance

Lake County is considering an ANTI-TETHERING ORDINANCE that will stop the source of significant abuse of dogs in their community. This proposed ordinance comes as a result of advocates in Lake County who complained for a year and a half about a dog that was tied to a tree in the heat. Unfortunately, last summer, this dog died on a day that the temperature reached 92 degrees. Sadly, he was just a few feet from the shade of a tree.
Lake County advocates have been busy speaking in front of their commissioners and educating the public about the dangers of leaving a tethered dog unattended. Not only is unattended tethering a public safety issue (a child can be bitten in a matter of minutes), but the dog can be strangled, be stolen, attacked by another animal and cruel people, or, as witnessed, suffer or die of heat exhuastion.
We know that there is GREAT STRENGTH in numbers! The more support county commissioners see for a strong ordinance, the more likely they are to pass one.
Therefore, we encourage LOHV members to support passage of the anti-tethering ordinance by attending the public hearing set for:
9am on Tuesday, April 10th
County Administration Building
(315 West Main Street, Tavares, Florida 32778 - 2nd Floor)
Speaking is limited to three minutes (you do not have to speak if you do not wish to). Please state that you are a member of The League of Humane Voters and ask for an ordinance that "prohibits unattended dog tethering".
To help commissioners readily identify our members, please wear a RED shirt.
We ask members who are unable to attend the meeting to contact commissioners via phone or e-mail.
By Phone, Call
To send an e-mail to the commissioners, go to:
If you contact commissioners online, simply Copy the following message and Paste it in as the body of your email (or you may wish to write your own message):

THE MESSAGE______________________________
Dear Commissioners,
As a member of The League of Humane Voters and a resident of Lake County, I am pleased that our county is considering an anti-tethering ordinance that will protect our children and our pets. In order to prevent abusers from chaining 24/7, please pass an ordinance that prohibits unattended dog tethering.
Thank you very much for your serious consideration of this request.


We encourage members who do attend the meeting to also call or send an e-mail.
If every animal advocate participates in every public hearing for animals and in every election, we could protect every animal in the state of Florida from abuse!!
Please do what you can to ensure this Ordinance passes,
and THANK YOU for being a member of The League of Humane Voters!


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