The power of social networking and animal rescue

Last Minute Hope For Baton Rouge Animals which is part of the Companion Animal Alliance posted a plea on my Facebook page a week or so ago for several animals which had run out of time. They were asking everyone to share the page to try and save these animals before Christmas.
For anyone in the know, Christmas is especially hard on rescued animals because many stupid people get new pets and dump their older guys. Many people also want puppies and kittens for the kids and that leaves any homeless pet which doesn't fit that category, out in the cold.
So I did what I always do and posted and crossposted the plea. I use Facebook almost extensively to post these animals in the hopes my friends will share with their friends, who will share with their friends, etc.
I actually received a note from someone who I didn't know but am sure they are someone's friend who thanked me for posting the plea and stated he had no idea things were so rough in Baton Rouge. He also stated he would be sharing the plea.
Last night I received this from the group:
Well folks we had a holiday miracle tonight. ALL of the Last Minute Hope for Baton Rouge Animals "Last Chance" dogs were saved in the 11th hour. *THANK YOU* to the AMAZING families and rescue partners that came out to give these deserving dogs a Christmas they will never forget. With so many people traveling and out of town, we were worried about our chances of saving them all, BUT the BR community has done it again! Check out the amazing Wookie about to skip out of the shelter with his AWESOME new mom Sue. Thank YOU for helping us to save THEM! #NoKillBR
Then I received a clarification from the second group:
I would like to clarify that the last dogs are suppose to have someone coming for them tomorrow between 10 and 11. They have not been officially adopted.
The hope is they were all adopted for sure. Which means social networking and dedicated people will result in many, many animals finding homes.
So on this Christmas Eve, please continue to share your homeless pets with all your contacts. It resulted in saving the lives of many in Baton Rouge. The homeless pets in your area deserve the same.
Merry Christmas to all from Buzz, Betty and me


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