Keep the holiday spirit into the new year

People give a lot during the holidays. There is something to be said about the Christmas spirit which seems to come over people around Thanksgiving and then hangs around until a little after New Year's Day.
It is wonderful to see people adopting animals, sending in checks to cover blankets or food, donating treats and toys by the bagful. The folks who work and volunteer at rescues appreciate it and the animals always feel very special this time of year.
So I would like to continue the challenge. Please try and hold on to the giving spirit through the next year. Volunteer an hour, donate a box of treats, sponsor an animal or better yet, make room in your heart and home to adopt a special shelter pet. Give a party and ask for donations for your local shelter. I had a friend who used to have a "What the hell" party. He gave it for no special reason than to get a bunch of friends together and have a good time. What better way to collect treats, toys or beds for the shelter dogs and cats?
Be creative. The dogs and cats don't care. You will be carrying on that giving spirit that is so prevalent during the holidays and your day will be brighter for it.


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