Scooping poop and leash laws

We all have leash laws. Unless you live in an uncorporated area, most municipalities have some sort of law about keeping dogs on leashes.
I know Sarasota County does. Dogs are not supposed to run at large. Period. No question, no discussion.
We also have poop scoop laws. You are supposed to, by law, clean up after your pet.
I know about poop. I clean kennels 40 hours a week. I empty garbage cans filled with poop. I own two very large dogs who poop regularly who I must clean up after. I don't mind. I do mind picking up after neighborhood dogs.
I also know about leash laws. I own two big dogs who most people are frightened of, just because of their sheer size. If I let them run out my door and poop in the neighbors' yards and aggravate the neighbors' dogs, I would have the county called on me so fast it would not be funny.
But I am a responsible pet owner. My dogs are never off leash and I am meticulous in cleaning up after them.
So tonight, while I was in the kitchen doing dishes and heard the dogs going absolutely ballistic, I thought a gang of thieves was attempting to enter my house. Lo and behold, it wasn't theives, but the puggle who lives on the corner.
The puggle's owner, a young man who lives in his mother's house, has no control over this dog at all. We have had several discussions about his dog running loose in the neighborhood and pooping in my front yard, which by the way, the young man never picks up.
It seems the puggle decided to run loose, come up to my windows and create havoc in my house. The young man was chasing the dog, calling the dog and chasing the dog some more, with no luck in catching it. My dogs wanted the dog and the young man to leave their yard which caused a cacophony of noise in my living room.
The puggle then promptly pooped in my yard, and ran home with the young man walking calmly behind.
I don't want to be a bad neighbor and I really don't want to call Animal Services on the dog, but maybe, if I called and complained, they would do something to convince this young man what his responsibilities as a dog owner are. But then again, I am not sure.
What was the number of Animal Services? I think a call is in order.


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