Mutt Mutterings: let me introduce myself

Hi y'all. My name is Buzz. Yep, Buzz. I think it is short for Buzzard so you can imagine why I ended up in the shelter although with the buzz cut I have on my backside, maybe it is my nickname.
You see, I was a little neglected before I came to the HSSC. When I arrived, I had some growths on my back, was very skinny, loaded with fleas, ticks and worms and I also had something called heartworm. I don't think my last humans placed too much value on me, or they would have not let me get in that condition.
But don't worry. The nice lady they call Dr. Robin removed the growths. She had to give me a buzz cut back there as you can see by my picture. They got the fleas and ticks under control, in fact they are gone and I had my heartworm treatment. The heartworm treatment was pretty awful. It made me feel yucky, but now I am feeling better and have become quite frisky.
I love soft toys and to have my back scratched since my skin is still pretty itchy. I have to have a medicated bath once a week and the warm water feels good. I think I never had a bath until I came here.
I am missing some of my teeth. That happens when you get hungry and chew on things you shouldn't, but I am getting plenty to eat now. They call it free feeding and it doesn't cost me anything. No one yells at me either, for eating all I want. Plus, we get lots of treats and I do love those Milk Bones. The staff here tells me I am a senior animal because they think I am 7 years old, but I have lots of energy, so I think they may be wrong. It is kinda hard to tell because I have had a pretty rough life. I love people though, and am still meeting some pretty nice ones. My tail, as pitiful as it looks, wags constantly.
I can't wait until my heartworm treatment is over so I can run and play like a normal dog. I can only be leash walked right now and have to wait in the morning to go outside and take care of business. I don't want to mess up my kennels because I am a very neat fellow, so I wait patiently for them to hook up my leash.
I have been here a while now and am glad Misty found a home. She was one good looking female. I have hopes I will find a play buddy as soon as I am able to have yard time. There is another pretty female named Scarlett who lives next to me and she may be the one.
I will keep you posted on the shelter dogs. Whose is new and who went home. I am not the most beautiful dog here, but I could be pretty loyal if someone would give me a chance. I don't want to be stuck writing when I could be playing.
So if you are just looking for a buddy, maybe I can be the one. Like I said, I am not particularly handsome, in fact, right now I am kinda woebegone looking, but that is changing fast. They called me a FBD, which down here means Florida Brown Dog but I think I am just a mutt. You know we make the best pets?
Okay, that is my introduction. If you want to meet me and give me another job, maybe being your best friend, stop by and see me at 2331 15th Street in Sarasota. You could also call Kerry at 955-4131 if you have any questions. She likes FBD's too.
Until next time, if there is one.
See you later



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