Gainesville, FL~URGENT~Dylan, 9-year-old WHITE GSD
We have a handsome, neutered White German Shepherd here at Alachua County Animal Services that will be on the euth list within next couple of days if not rescued because he is heartworm positive. I’m told Dylan has been shuffled from one household to another. The person surrendering him on May 25, has had him for 5 years…her brother before her, and someone else (original owner?) before that. The more recent owner said Dylan is a friendly dog, not aggressive…knows commands…and will stay by one’s side while walking off leash. Please, if you can help, let us know. Be sure to include Rescue Liaison Dwinnie Slade, , in your response. Thank you all for what you do for the animals. Hoping all are having a safe holiday.
5/25/12-Vet exam (entered 5/26/12)
~ 9 years old per owner
Not altered
Wt 80.6#
MC# 0A110A7643
Krinkled left pinnae from previous hematoma
Very small central hematoma of right pinnae
Long nails
Rabies & Frontline given
Heartworm test-POSITIVE
Treatable/rehab due to heartworm positive (tmyrick/plipsky)