Police Kill 12-Year-Old Golden Retriever in St. Petersburg

When is this craziness going to stop? Why on earth would not one, but two St. Pete cops mistake a 12 year old, arthritic Goloden Retriever for a vicious dog and then shoot it dead? I would understand if it was a young, growling, teeth baring dog of any kind, but really, a 12 year old? I wrote about this several months ago because I questioned whether cops shot first and asked questions later when they have so many other tools available to them to use. I asked the same question this reporter did. What if it had been a person? Was the stress so great they simply made a wrong decision? This poor family who lost a beloved pet and the poor dog who suffered. This doesn't make me feel safer and it sure doesn't make me want to visit the beaches north of us or take my dog there.l
Check out the story here.


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