Totally off topic, but a concern
I try not to go off topic of critters with this blog, but occasionally I hear of something which is going on, which makes me so angry, I have to spout off. What better forum to spout off than my blog. If you are not interested in politics, don't begin reading this. If you are concerned about stupid bills our elected officials try to pass when no one is looking, keep reading.
I am a political creature. My college degree is in political science. I write everyone concerned when I come across a bill which will impact the animals I love, but also speak out when someone believes they will sneak another stupid bill past the public with no outcry from their constituents.
Many of our public servants, including the police and firemen have a union and operate under a collective bargaining agreement. There are many aspects of collective bargaining agreements when they concern public servants, whether at the state or federal level. When an impasse is reached in the negotiations, they must go before a legislative body to determine which side will get their way. Which is the way it should be. At our level, I believe this should be the city or county commission, or another like body. Once they decide, it should be done.
The problem is in a bill which a state senator is trying to pass, which gives the head of the organization the power to be the legislative body over their employees. This means, if the police reach an impasse on their collective bargaining agreement, the sheriff or chief of police would be the legislative body to decide who is right.
Okay, correct me if I am wrong, but a sheriff is in no way a legislative body and that would be in direct conflict with bargaining, since he would be the opposition to the workers.
I know a lot of people all over the state, not just in Sarasota read this blog. Please contact your local senator, in my case it is Nancy Detert, and tell them to stop this in its' tracks. No one person should have the right to make decisions which affect so many. The bill is S 0610 Relating to Collective Bargaining for Certain Public Employees and you can find your senator here and a copy of the bill. Just type in your zip and then drop them a line if this concerns you.
I am a political creature. My college degree is in political science. I write everyone concerned when I come across a bill which will impact the animals I love, but also speak out when someone believes they will sneak another stupid bill past the public with no outcry from their constituents.
Many of our public servants, including the police and firemen have a union and operate under a collective bargaining agreement. There are many aspects of collective bargaining agreements when they concern public servants, whether at the state or federal level. When an impasse is reached in the negotiations, they must go before a legislative body to determine which side will get their way. Which is the way it should be. At our level, I believe this should be the city or county commission, or another like body. Once they decide, it should be done.
The problem is in a bill which a state senator is trying to pass, which gives the head of the organization the power to be the legislative body over their employees. This means, if the police reach an impasse on their collective bargaining agreement, the sheriff or chief of police would be the legislative body to decide who is right.
Okay, correct me if I am wrong, but a sheriff is in no way a legislative body and that would be in direct conflict with bargaining, since he would be the opposition to the workers.
I know a lot of people all over the state, not just in Sarasota read this blog. Please contact your local senator, in my case it is Nancy Detert, and tell them to stop this in its' tracks. No one person should have the right to make decisions which affect so many. The bill is S 0610 Relating to Collective Bargaining for Certain Public Employees and you can find your senator here and a copy of the bill. Just type in your zip and then drop them a line if this concerns you.