Too many dead dogs

I was speaking to a friend yesterday who was driving to Tallahassee and he made a comment about the dead dogs lying on the roadway.
I asked him what he was talking about and he said he had seen 6 or 7 dead dogs lying on the side of the road in the space of about 10 minutes. They all looked like hunting dogs and he told me he had never seen that many dead dogs in his drive to the state capitol.
This led to a discussion about hunting and dogs and why they would be loose around a major highway. It is still legal to use hunting dogs up in the northern areas of Florida and I don't have a problem with that. So we talked of when a hunting dog runs off and how much time is spent searching for it before the search was called off. My friend said this was probably what happened to these dogs. They were young, got separated from the rest of the pack and got on the road looking for their owner when they were struck and killed by vehicles.
I say many of them could have been dumped out in those rural areas because their owners didn't want them any longer.
The reason doesn't really matter. There were too many dead dogs on the side of the road on the way to Tallahassee yesterday. Too many.


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