Hopes for 2010

2010 has arrived and although I would love to believe we will do even better this year than last, I am a realist in the ways of the world. So I have hopes and dreams we will do better for the animals this year, despite what I see on a daily basis.
I hope we can stop the needless killing of so many thousands of companion animals this year. The numbers were on a downward slide and then the economy plummented which left even more animals homeless. This resulted in more overcrowding at shelters and rescues and less money to deal with the situation.
I hope we can educate people about relinquishing thier pet. If we can only help people to understand having a companion animal in your home does not mean it should be the first thing to go when faced with hard times, perhaps we can stem the flow of animals needlessly killed due to lack of space and money. Make a companion animal part of the family. You would not give up your children or spouse simply because you fell on hard times, so why give up your pet.
I hope we can educate more children. Dog bite numbers rise every year, mostly due to poor education on animal behavior for the kids. We, as parents and animal advocates, need to teach children how to love and respect animals, not fear or abuse them. The more we can educate the children, the better for the animals as the children grow up.
I hope we can give more time and money to worthy causes. Let us not simply pay lip service to taking care of those less fortunate. Give an hour or a blanket; drop off a bag of dog food or have a fundraiser; love your animals like you love your children and reap the rewards of knowing you helped when so much is needed.
I hope more people learn about puppy mills and backyard breeders and frequent shelters and rescues for a new companion. Please don't buy a pet, but opt to adopt one. There are many shelters in this area for thousands of pets which need your help.
All my hopes for 2010 may fall flat, but if one life is saved, if one person is educated, if one animal goes into a home where they will be loved and cherished, it isn't wasted. Too many were lost with no hope in the last decade. Let us make this one better.


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