Actions speak louder than words

Learning to live with wild creatures as the population continues to escalate, which it does despite what the experts say, can cause concern with those of us who have seen Florida change drastically over the last 30 years with more development, more cars, more people and generally more of everything. Unfortunately, this can spell disaster for many native species who do not adjust well to the "more."
Sandhill cranes are native to Florida but their population increases in the winter months due to migrating birds from up north. I have seen many killed on the highways surrounding Sarasota by speeding motorists who pay no attention to the signs warning of habitat or even the speed limit. So this morning, as I was coming back from the rescue and going west on Clark Road, the pair of cranes calmly walking across 3 lanes of traffic caused my heart to pump faster. As I slowed to a stop, the cars in the other two lanes did the same.
The birds reached the median and with incoming cars in the 3 eastbound lanes, I held my breath to see if the birds made it.
All three lanes of traffic stopped and let the birds cross Clark Road. It was nice to see people still stopping to enjoy the birds and helping them arrive safely to the other side. Thanks!


Unknown said…
I have seen Sandhill Cranes come very close to being hit numerous times on Clark Rd a couple miles east of I75. There are a pair that hang out in the area. They seem to look both ways before crossing- it would be nice if motorists would do the same as the area is more and more populated with people/cars/pets, etc.

My favorite birds are the two cattle egrets who I've seen cross the street at crosswalks. The first was crossing 10th St. at US 41. The other was this past spring when a cattle egret crossed in front of us- he (or she) crossed University at Lockwood Ridge in the crosswalk - 6 lanes of traffic! We had the red thankfully. I think I heard a collective sigh of relief from all the motorists when this egret made it to the other side safely.

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