Who lives and who dies?

I find it interesting when people who are writing for adoption animals use the terms high kill, or low kill or even no kill facility.
The reason most shelters or rescues become known as high kill is because they simply have no other avenues open to them. If you believe the people who work at these places enjoy having to euthanize animals every day, you are living in another world. Low kill facilities also euthanize but their numbers are not quite as high and no kill facilites do the same thing under the guise of either medical problems, behavior problems or other determining factors so John Q. public doesn't get angry at them.
Unless an animal is at a sanctuary, which believes in rehabilitating the whole animal, medically, behaviorally or otherwise, an animal can and does get killed.
I am going to run pictures of two dogs which were sent to me today from out of state. Both these dogs need medical help but otherwise seem to be nice dogs. The chances they will be rescued could be very slim. If one or both of these animals is euthanized it will not be the shelter's fault. It is a county run facility with only so much money and so much space. So why list it as a high kill facility when they are obviously doing the best they can with the resources they have.
Why not instead begin a massive campaign on people who dump their animals at these facilities with all these problems due to neglect and hold them accountable, instead of labeling the shelters and rescues who are doing the best they can under the circumstances.
Although both these animals are out of state, if you do know of anyone who could help them, please use the contact information below. Every one counts.
NAME: Tulip
ANIMAL ID: 9047668
BREED: lab mix
SEX: female
HEALTH: appears healthy except that she has some puncture wounds and is missing an eye, we are not sure what happened
TEMPERAMENT: friendly and very, very sweet

NAME: Splenda
ANIMAL ID: 9083154
BREED: Yorkie mix
SEX: female
HEALTH: healthy except her eye is badly injured and she needs it removed
TEMPERAMENT: very friendly and sweet
RESCUE PULL FEE: $40—we won’t spay her, that can be done when her eye is removed with the rescue’s vet
UPDATE: will be PTS 11/12

If you know of anyone in South Carolina who could pull these dogs and get them a home, should their medical issues be a reason to euthanize? It is a question which must be decided every day all over the country.
Please use this contact information if you are interested.
Please email us at animalcareservices@greenvillecounty.org
We may have transport available—just ask
When you reply to confirm dogs, please include in your email what rescue you are with. This saves us a lot of time because we currently work with a TON of rescues. Thanks for making it easier for us!


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