Don't shop! Opt to adopt
The headline on this item says it all. Don't go to a pet store, craigslist or the neighborhood backyard breeder if you want to add a new family member. Go to a shelter or rescue in your neighborhood.
Go online to or or rescue911 or any of the numerous search engines which list dogs, cats and other critters who need homes. Put the breed you are looking for in the search field and see how many pop up. then go meet them. Check out their personality. Ask questions of the group doing the adoption. Make sure they are the right fit for your family. Then adopt a pet.
We have a saying in animal rescue work. When you adopt from a rescue or a shelter, you are saving two lives. The life of the animal you are adopting and the animal who will take its' spot. Believe me when I tell you there will always be one more to take that empty spot. Please don't continue to fund puppy mills and vacations for backyard breeders. Let's take care of the ones who are already here.
Go online to or or rescue911 or any of the numerous search engines which list dogs, cats and other critters who need homes. Put the breed you are looking for in the search field and see how many pop up. then go meet them. Check out their personality. Ask questions of the group doing the adoption. Make sure they are the right fit for your family. Then adopt a pet.
We have a saying in animal rescue work. When you adopt from a rescue or a shelter, you are saving two lives. The life of the animal you are adopting and the animal who will take its' spot. Believe me when I tell you there will always be one more to take that empty spot. Please don't continue to fund puppy mills and vacations for backyard breeders. Let's take care of the ones who are already here.