Miami Animal Services director resigns

Although I may not agree with many things, any director of a huge animal services department like the one in Miami-Dade, has a huge job in front of them. When you partner all the problems Miami has always had with the overcrowding of poor and immigrant populations who are not educated as many of us are on spay/neuter etc. and throw a bad economy in the mix, you can expect even more animals coming through a system which the taxpayers refuse to spend large amounts of money on.
Take all these extra animals and try to save as many as possible in old, outdated kennels with too few staff, too little money and every animal rights' activist breathing down your neck to save even more, your stress level would have to be high. I am sure Sara Pizano was a good vet and she did all she could to save as many animals as possible. This is, after all, what vets do. I hope she continues to work with shelters and takes the knowledge she gained to save animals. Contrary to what many would have you believe, all animal rescuers do understand the stresses of what happens in shelters. It is sad but a fact of life. Until we can educate more and have more money to improve conditions at many of these shelters, the euthanasia rates will remain high.
Check out the story here.


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