Ranchers shoot zebras

The following story is an excellent example of why exotic animals should not be kept on private property, if kept at all.
Hearst Ranch used to be one of the largest private zoos in the world, but William Randolph Hearst had the kind of money to do that and there were no regulations against it. The zoo was pretty much shut down in the 1930's except for some goats, sheep and a herd of zebras. Three of the zebras got loose and wandered into neighboring ranches where they were apparently hassling the horses and cattle living there. So they were shot. Which doesn't seem quite right to me, but as the ranch owners, they had the law on their side. The statement which really got to me was when one of the ranchers said he was going to send the dead zebra to the taxidermist for the hide because it seemed a shame to waste it.
Yeah, right! Now you can hang a trophy skin on your wall and brag about it. I have a problem with that. Check out the story here.


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