Update on Winter

The more I volunteer with rescued animals, the more I believe this is what I should have been doing all along.
Winter and I have been working on his shy issues and he still has them. Sometimes he seems to be making great strides and other times it feels time is dragging and he will never come out of his shell.
sweekend, the big breakthrough was a walk. Not a walk with me, but one with a big, strong man who had never walked him before. Winter did not want to go at first, but we made him with happy words and a little coaxing after he plopped his butt in the grass and refused to move. Once moving, he walked fine until he got spooked at the end of the driveway.
I decided to try some different things last weekend and carried them over to this one. We have play time in the big yard. I walk away and see if he will come when called. He does. He is very curious as to why you are walking away from him and before you know it, he comes galloping past, tail held high and ears a-flapping. It is a joyous thing to experience, seeing this dog who was so scared and unsocialized finally coming out of his shell.
He loves hugs and having his butt scratched, but then, what dog doesn't? He has put on some weight and is not as thin as before, which I think was simply stress. He loves Kongs stuffed with small milk bones and frozen with peanut butter on the top, but doesn't care for popcicles.
He waits until he is outside to potty unless his next door neighbors, Harry and Brody are acting up and then he has to mark his kennel.
I tried today, despite my stomach ache, to get him to jump over a small agility pole, but he was not cooperating. We will try again tomorrow since he did get some exposure to the jumps today.
I wish I could show potential adopters what a great dog he is when he trusts, but strangers are still foreign beings and not to be trusted. It will come, slowly, but it will come.
It is with dogs like this I wish I had money. Two dogs are all I can afford. I would adopt him in a heartbeat and have a friend and protector for life. I hope his family comes soon. He will blossom much quicker in a home environment.
Now, about the cars......


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