Breed discrimination: here we go again

How disappointed was I in reading Tom Lyon's column in today's Herald-Tribune about Dr. Kate Cole's doberman? Pretty damn disappointed. You see, I know Tom and enjoy his writing, but I also know Kate, and to even have it suggested she remove her dog from her front yard because some of her neighbors think the dog is vicious is such a ludicrous idea, I can't believe it was even suggested.
This is the reason breeds get a bad name. This dog has done nothing but do what dogs do. The simple fact of the breed is the problem. If this was a 10 pound pug, who was barking and growling, no one would pay attention. The dog is doing her job. Protecting Kate's house and the children who live there. Period. No history of anything bad, except some neighbors who obviously have way too much time on their hands. As the previous owner of a dog breed, the rottweiler, who also suffers from this disinformation, I can sympathize.
Give me a real column about a real dog issues like backyard breeders who continue to swamp our shelters and rescues with animals who have to be cared for. How about a column on the reported 80,000 feral cats who live in Sarasota County which increases every time someone drops off a cat who has not been fixed? Maybe we can talk about the fairness of the new raise in rates for licenses. Why can't they fine those who own animals and do not have a license?
A dog who barks or growls while in a fenced yard, albeit an electric fence since regular fencing is not allowed, is not a story. The thousands of unwanted animals who people dump on a continuous basis or do not care for properly could be addressed and people could be educated.
What a concept.


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