Heartworms are killers

I have lots of contact with rescue groups and with the influx of dogs due to the economy, the most prevelant problem they are facing is the number of dogs coming in heartworm positive.
Florida, like Texas, has an abundance of heartworm diagnoses because of the mosquito population. We all know how many mosquitoes we have and heartworms in dogs are transmitted by a mosquito. the mosquito bites the dog, the larvae travels through the dog's bloodstream to the heart where they begin to grow.
This can cause heart failure and many other things to the dogs who have heartworm. They can swell with fluid and eventually will die.
Heartworms are preventable now with medication. You can treat your dog once a month and the cost, depending on your dog's size, is reasonable.
If your dog gets heartworm disease, it is very expensive to treat, very hard on the dog's heart, and may cut into the longevity of your dog's life.
If you love your pet, please keep up with their monthly preventative. Let's keep them around as long as possible. They all deserve that chance when it is something we can provide.


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