Judge will determine wolf hunting in Idaho, Montana

"After attending Monday’s meeting, Missoula hunter Mac McLaughlin told the Associated Press he was going directly to a sporting goods shop to purchase his tag because he is annoyed with the wolves attacking elk. He said he plans to use an elk call to lure the wolves, but doesn’t think it will be effective."

This hunter is "annoyed" with the wolves attacking elk. Is he annoyed because the wolves are hunting, which is natural for them? Or is he annoyed because he is a poor hunter and cannot get an elk even with a gun?
It is these hunters who really irritate me about the wolves. These magnificent creatures were almost wiped off the continent because of man, finally put on the endangered list and are now off the list. Their fate in Idaho and Montana rests in a United States District Judge. You can read the story here and read more about what is happening to the grey wolves here.


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