Shooting the Breeze by Baxter
Hi all you Baxter fans. I am coming to you this week a little damp and a little irritated. What is going on with this weather? I am so ready for it to stay one way or another. I have this great bed, very soft and comfy and when the weather it as unpredictible as it has been the last week, I really don't want to leave it. Of course, it could be moved to a new home. That is always a possibility. But if the humans who are looking to adopt a dog are feeling the same way I am about the weather, they won't be searching for one until this rain and cold goes away.
So, the big news this week is....oh yeah, there really isn't any big news this week. We still have lots and lots of dogs on the floor. We did have a couple of ones go home. Beau and Mason both found what we hope are their forever spots. Of course, we already have some who are taking their spots. Darrell, who is a black lab mix and another one whose name I can't recall. All the old regulars are still here and available. I will make a deal with you. I will help you find the perfect dog for your home if you will call and come to visit. We love visitors, but sometimes there isn't anyone here to introduce you to us and we want to make sure that doesn't happen.
Jake is still barking away and now we have another guest, her name is Marley and she is almost as bad as Jake. Her kennel is away from mine and she is barking because she is lonesome. She is still wondering why her family gave her up. I don't know, so I can't help her. I did see a family looking at her last weekend so maybe her luck is going to change.
Of course, the rottie brothers, Tempo and Argus are still here. Those are some big boys but seem really nice. I hope they can find a home together.
We have had quite a few volunteers come out and I am having a hard time keeping all of them organized in my mind. Some of them still do not realize my love of soft treats so maybe they will read this and remember to bring me some.
I heard we got an update from Doug the Dog and his new family says he is doing well. I wish everyone would let us know who is doing what and how it is going.
I also heard they are having a Flyball Tournament in Bradenton on the weekend of April 17th. I don't know exactly what flyball is, but they run after a ball and it sounds like a good time. I bet some of our adoptables would make great flyball dogs. Not me of course, because I have this bad leg, but some of the younger ones love to chase balls.
I heard from Brody's owner who is having problems trimming his nails. I will have to mention it to some of the staff around here and see if they can help her out. Body has a perfect home now with this really nice lady, but he was found at first tied to a dumpster. Can you imagine?
Well, it is time to close for now. Remember, we always need money out here to help us keep operating. So if you don't have a favorite animal charity, or even if you do, we sure could use your help. You can mail any donations to 8101 Coash Road, Sarasota, Fl. 34241 and I will make sure the people who do that stuff get it. We really appreciate it.
Until next week I will remain,
Faithfully your reporter dog,