Anonymous dumping

Okay, this post is not to advise people to dump their pets after hours at any rescue. If a rescue cannot take your beloved pet, (and I use that term loosely), you can always go to animal services in whatever county you live in. That is why you pay taxes.
But should you read this and think you are going to dump your pet at a shelter or rescue after hours when no one is there or know someone who is, please leave a note with the animal's name on it.
If you love your pet so much you are willing to leave it tied, in a box, in a carrier or some other means of disposal, let the same pet watch you leave them, when you are the only home they have known, at least leave a note with names attached.
These companion animals have lost everything they know and now a complete stranger is calling them by a name they don't recognize. Have some compassion for those of us who take these unwanted animals in and give us their name. You don't have to leave yours. Please?


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