Looking for common sense

My parents blessed me with many things. One of the most valuable, was letting me fail. That's right, my parents allowed me and my siblings to fail. Then they were proponets of making us get up, dust ourselves off and try again.
I believe allowing children to fail promotes common sense. It makes kids think of other options when they do fail, instead of teaching them they can't fail or if they fail the world will end.
Common sense comes into place when dealing with animals and I continue to be amazed at the number of people who have none.
Animal hoarders do not have common sense. People who treat dogs and cats like their children and are then horrified when they won't listen do not have common sense.
People who drag their pets to the vet for every squeak or meow do not have common sense.
People who spend tons of money on Craig's list for a scam do not have common sense.
I have been looking around for it in my house and although my memory isn't what it used to be, the common sense is still there.


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