Room with a view by Boris and Natasha
Hello to all my peeps. I like that word. I am not quite sure what it means, but it has a nice sound when I say it. (Boris thinks it sounds stupid, but what does he know? He is a male after all)
Satchel's has been busy, busy, busy this past week. I have watched dogs coming, and coming and coming. Like that Energizer bunny in reverse. We did have one little guy go home. Perhaps you read about him in that magazine? His name was Gator and he came to us almost starved to death. He filled out nicely and went home with a nice family who had just lost their dog after 8 years. I cannot imagine actually having a family and a home for that long. Boris and I have lived here for a long time. We have an extended family with lots of people, but I have heard nothing beats your own humans who you stay with all the time.
Boris has been really heckling me about my weight. He thinks I am slightly more than pleasingly plump. We have been arguing all week about it. I wonder if this is a female thing. I run and play out in the yard while he stands on the catwalk and simply surveys the territory. I know I get more exercise than he does, and he doesn't seem to hold the weight like I do. Does that happen to all you females out there? Just wondering if it was me.
Jake is back from the vet's office and he is still barking so I know he is feeling better. It was really funny because his dad came on Saturday and he was very quiet while his dad was here. Buddy, another of our permanent guests was quite peeved at his friend. She came in to volunteer and didn't spend that much time with him. He wanted her to leave everyone else alone. She tried to explain we all needed special time, but he didn't understand.
I understand one of the young rottweilers, Junior, loves to play in the water. He and Kiki, this hound mix who is adoptable, play in the yards with each other and they both love it when the pools are filled. I am not one to get soaking wet, but I think it cools them off in the heat of the day. Junior tries to swim in his water dish sometimes and make a mess in his kennel. I know the staff at first thought he was peeing all over, but it was just his water dish. I don't think he knows he can't fit his body in that dish. Maybe he is not the brightest bulb in the lamp.
Is the heat bothering anyone out there besides us dogs? I think that would be a good project for some well-meaning rich person. Figure out a way to put those cooling machines in our kennels. I know you have seen them. They are on the football field at the Bucs' games. Do you think those guys would donate a couple of them for a good cause? They all have lots of money. Could you write them and ask? I would, but I don't know how to write.
Well, I guess I will close this for now. It is almost time for a nap. I love my naps and don't want to miss one. You take care and Boris will be back next week with his take on the shelter.
The better half of the Turbos