Another plea for adoption at Sarasota County Animal Services

I got an email with this information in it so I am sending out another plea to go and adopt if you are looking for a new companion. Many of the local rescues in the area have taken what they can and the county facility is still over flowing. Please go and check out these animals. They all deserve a chance.

40 dogs and 108 cats at Sarasota County Animal Services. This is DOUBLE the space they have. They are BEYOND overflowing........They have space for 20 dogs, so they are all doubled up..........
Sarasota County is run by our taxes. If you pay taxes, these are YOUR animals, and they need YOUR help. Please tell everyone about this URGENT plea to ADOPT . This is the worse it has been in a long time ! Help in any way by passing this along to anyone interested in adopting..........all Sarasota rescuers should try to help OUR local animals. THis is a shelter in need !!!!!
All shapes, all sizes, puppies, pure name it, we got it !
Humanely,Carolyn, SDA click on public interest, than click on animal services.


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