I seem to write about this at least once a year. I guess I figure that people will read this once and believe me, but it is not to be. Here I go again.
May is mating month for alligators. Males can and do travel long distances to find females to mate with.
We are also in a very weird season as far as rain and May is a very dry month. This results in alligators traveling to find their own spot of water. When you have as many man made bodies of water as we have in this area, you can bet there is an alligator somewhere close by.
The problem is that people are fascinated with alligators. These prehistoric creatures continue to be one of the most sought after sights from visitors. I, unfortunately, have seen parents actually holding their children over the bridge on the Myakka River so they can get a closer look.
Growing up here, being actually educated on treatment of wildlife, I know to keep my distance. I am not looking to have one snap those jaws at me. I don't antagonize alligators. I do not feed alligators. I do not get close to baby alligators knowing their mamas are around really close and I DO NOT WALK my dog close to any body of water any time of the day.
I remember being on the Silver River at Silver Springs and telling a tourist not to allow her cute, fluffy, white dog wade in the water. How sad when a gator ate it. It did not happen on my watch, but happened a few days later. Why didn't she listen to me?
So please, everyone. Don't do it. Don't think YOUR dog won't get eaten. Don't think that you will escape. Don't take the chance.


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