Goodboy needs a home before June - Redlands, FL

This beautiful Rottie boy was rescued by this kind hearted woman who wrote the story below. We helped her vet him and treat him for HW. He is a doll and as you can read, is great with kids, dogs and cats. The family is moving as they are being relocated by the military. They will be leaving in June, so we must find a home for Goodboy, because when they leave, he will be left behind. If anyone would like to meet Goodboy, call Kathy 305 401 4693
Woof.My name is Goodboy. I am a true southern gentleman.
I would like to tell you about myself. Now there is a lot of my past that I will not mention because I am trying to put it behind me. I will tell you my story from when my friends found me in the Redlands/Florida city. Because as far as I am concerned that is when my real life began.
The day we met, two cars full of boys were driving in circles around me, throwing all of the trash from there cars(beer cans) at me. Aiming for my head.
I was already so emaciated from not having food or water.
That I collapsed. I heard a woman yell “Hey, that's my dog, get away from him” The abusive boys drove away laughing.
The woman offered me some cheerios and what ever snacks she had with her in the car. After she realized that I would die if she left me, she wrapped a scarf around my mouth just in case, she had to protect her three year old son. I was to weak to get into the back of her car so she had to lift me UP. At that moment, in her arms I knew that my life would never be the same! That my feet would never touch that cruel ground again.
The woman turned her two car garage into a rehab center for me. I was able to have my own private side yard. Because at the time I had some issues, with not wanting to sleep on the ground. She built me a bed three feet high by four feet long. I have had to fight off snakes and scorpions for years on the streets and have learned to stay up off the ground. It took about a week or so to even know if I was going to make it. Her husband was deployed at the time so she had a lot of extra time to spend comforting me. She never bossed me to see if I would be an obedient dog. I could not sit down, AT that time. I stood or I lay down. Just like a horse, which I so closely resemble, in size}Not really but i am a big boy.The look in her eyes when she looked at me was something I had never seen before. I could feel her love for me. Sometimes we would just lay there and cry together, just to let it all go. It was part of my healing process. I had night tears for weeks, sometimes I still do. So sometimes after putting her son to sleep she would sleep with me. It really helped me adjust, and relax.
After a few weeks of recovery, it was time to meet the rest of her family
Now they already had several dogs. I was not sure if they would like me or even accept me. Well ,we all ended up become the best of friends, unlike any dogs I had ever met. These dogs did not want to fight me, for no reason.
Eventually I was allowed to come in the house, where I met three kitty cats. All of which do not have tails. They look just like rabbits to me. They also have a rabbit who is now my friend as well. The cats loved me and I them.
After a month her husband came home he instantly fell in love with me too.
The only problem is that this family is not my forever family. They have their hands full! As well as they are expecting twins.
She tells me that I am the best dog that she has ever met and that she would trade all of her dogs for me, but she knows that there is that special someone I have been waiting my whole life for. That person I was born to live out my life with and she is there to make sure that we find each other.
I need to live indoors as well as sleep on something soft. I love to snuggle. I am about 4-6 years old. I have been fixed. The person that adopts me really needs to be able to afford to take good care of me( heart worm flee prevention, arthritic) medicine. I am worth it!!!!!
It would be ideal if you owned your own home so that you do not ever have to get rid of me due to your living problems. Also it is also very important that you have who will take care of me.
Oh , a few more things about me. Despite my first initial greeting, I do not bark, at all. Unless it is an emergency I am quiet as a church mouse. I have a beautiful tail. My teeth are mostly flat for reasons I prefer not to mention, My lips were cut up, but have now healed.I feel much better. So this is my story. At least the parts that I am willing to mention. I am kind, and will love you until the day I pass on, and will probably still keep on loving you
If it is me you have been looking for.
Here I am, waiting for you, with an open heart}