Beautiful Boxer/Black Labrador mix is STILL looking for a home

Sandler is one of those special dogs. If he could tell he story he would probably say the reason he has been in 3 other rescues is his energy level. This is not a couch potato dog by any stretch of the imagination. He would also tell you he is trained and knows how to sit and stay. His confidence level is high and he is very, very smart.
I, not being a dog would tell you he suffers from Black Dog Syndrome. The "experts" will tell you it doesn't exist and big, black dogs get adopted just a quickly as any other kind. I would tell you they obviously don't volunteer in rescue because we watch these wonderful dogs, who are big and black sit in a kennel and wait much longer than other animals.
I would tell you he is a big, affection lug of a dog but you won't see that at first. He has learned to be standoffish with new people because he has been passed around from shelter to shelter. His comfort level is now very good with us and he trusts us to not give him to someone who doesn't really want him.
He knows how to sit and stay, loves climbing the catwalk and would probably make a great agility dog due to his energy level. Flyball could also be an option. Maybe you just want a jogging partner and he would love to jog with you.
Sandler would NOT do well stuck in a backyard without people. He would figure out a way to get out of the fence and be gone. He needs that one on one time but as long as he gets the time, he is contented to go back to his kennel and take a nap.
We are working on no jumping and he is learning but when he gets excited he finds, in true Boxer fashion, it hard to control himself.
He is built like a Labrador with a Boxer head. His coat is a shiny, shiny black and he has a white blaze running down his neck.
He would be a dog anyone would love to call their own if only we could get past that black dog thing. No one looks at him. No one calls about him. So, he sits in his kennel and waits to go outside to have a nice walk or a game of fetch with the tennis ball.
I keep working with him and writing about him in hopes someone sees his picture and just wants to meet him. That is all it would take, a simple meeting.
So if you want a gorgeous, high energy dog who once bonded to you could be the best ever, please contsider checking out Sandler or calling Satchel' to schedule an appointment. I would love to see him find his forever home.
Satchel's Last Resort is here or you can call Michelle at 941-924-5070