Emaciated, and with a horrible case of demodex this sweet, female Bulldog mix in Panama City, FL needs help ASAP

This is a female bulldog badly neglected. No adopters will look at her because she is in this condition. She is so sweet and
a legitimate rescue could get her transported out of this high-kill shelter. A little TLC could go a long way. We can take up a collection to help with her vetting. Can anyone help?
This is what the shelter volunteer posted...................
Bay County Animal Control..Panama City, Fla. 850-767-3333 This is sweet Sadie taking a nap. She came into the shelter emaciated, infested with fleas and severe demodex. I am a volunteer at the shelter and could transport her if you have a place for her. She is SOOOOOO sweet.
Does anyone have room in their home and room in their heart to foster/rescue/adopt this poor girl? They will help arrange transport to help her.
I think I read they will waive the pull fee if anyone can help her.