Please help this poor dog...Someone dropped him off on Bird Road and 83rd ave behind the bank..He hangs around the houses on that first block...He is so sweet ..when I walk my dogs he runs over to say hello everyday..but he is in danger of going to animal control Monday or tues...the owner of one of the homes there called Animal control...They took him down there once but there was an outbreak of distemper(??) and they refused he is living on borrowed time. He has long beautiful black fur . Is there a foster home available for him?? I have 4 dogs already, and 5 cats....Is there anything anyone can do or tell me what I can do or where I can take him...? The owner of the house where he is at tells me he jumps in their car all of the time ..he was definately someones dog at one time...Thanks for anything you can do...This dog was surrendered by his owner and he is the sweetest animal ive met. loves everybody, cats other dogs ,people kiids. The sweetest of the sweetest about 18 months old. He is great with dogs and cats and weighs 60 lbs.